Saturday, June 24, 2006

Being Spirtually Disciplined

In my devotional time today I came across an awesome chunk of writing that really meant a lot to me. Over this past week I have fought so hard to keep a focus on God throughout my days without a quiet time at the beginning of my day. It’s very difficult to get up early before and after a 12 hour day of landscaping to just be with God. But I know that it’s something that I need to do. As Moses journeyed up the mountain path to enter the very presence of God in the book of Exodus, I need to press on no matter how rocky and difficult that path is. For, there is nothing greater than knowing Christ Jesus our Lord. This is the reason that Paul counted all things as loss. Jesus said that knowing Him is eternal life. Let’s encourage and pray for one another as we seek to have that quiet time alone with God every morning.

“I met God in the morning when the day was at its best

And His presence came like a sunrise, like a glory in my breast.

All day long His presence lingered, all day long He stayed with me

I sailed in perfect calmness o’er a troubled sea.

Other ships were blown and battered, other ships were sore distressed

But the winds that seemed to drive them, brought to me a perfect rest.

Then I thought of other mornings, with a keen remorse in mind

When I too had loosed the moorings with His presence left behind.

So I think I know the secret learned from many a troubled way

You must seek Him in the morning if you want Him through the day.”

- Author Unknown

Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Advice of Andrew Murray

In the time of trouble say, “First, He brought me here. It is by His will I am in this strait place; in that I will rest.” Next, “He will keep me here in His love, and give me grace in this trial to behave as His child.” Then say, “He will make the trial a blessing, teaching me lessons He intends me to learn, and working in me the grace He means to bestow.” And last, say, “In His good time He can bring me out again. How and when He knows.”

Therefore say, “I am here by (1) God’s appointment (2) in His keeping, (3) under His training and (4) for His time” (Michael Green, ed., Illustrations for Biblical Preaching [Grand Rapids: Baker, 1989], 388).

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Thinking about God

Spend some time today simply thinking about God and who He is.

Sovereign Lord
The compassionate and gracious God
The eternal God
The consuming fire
The exalted God
The faithful God
The glorious Father
The Glory of Israel
The God who saves me
The God who sees me
The living Father
The Majestic Glory
The Majesty in heaven
The One who sustains me
The only God
The Potter
THe Rock in whom I take refuge
The Spring of living water
The strength of my heart
The true God
He who hears prayer
He who tests the heart and mind
He who keeps His covenant of love

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Pastor in the Penalty Box

Recently I have been using a book entitled Getting Closer to God by Erwin Lutzer for my devotional time. I have been really blessed by the steps to intimacy with God that the book suggests based on the life of Moses. In the very first chapter, Lutzer talks about a pastor who destroyed his career after falling into the sin of immorality. He went from being a pastor to a church drop out in 60 seconds. Though the man was qualified to serve God in tremendous ways, he struggled even to get back to the position of Sunday School teacher in another church. The man felt like he would have to spend the rest of his life "in the penalty box". After three years, the man sent this letter to Erwin Lutzer:

"I am writing to testify of the marvelous grace of God. I've learned many lessons in my desert - my penalty box - but God has used my pain to bring me lovingly, mercifully to Him.
Just when I thought I was hopeless, God revealed my sin and self-centeredness that was my sad condition before Him. He stripped me of my pretensions and showed me my unbelief. I learned that God cannot simply be one of my options, but I must risk my life, my soul, my sanity on Him, and Him only. I must believe that He is exactly who He says He is in His Word. When I was most bankrupt, He gave me the strength to forsake all and follow Christ.
Before, my focus was always on me: my happiness, my circumstances, my emotions. Now, it is on God. As a byproduct of focusing on Him, His joy is alive in me. Though tough circumstances still have their sting. I can cast my care on Him and He gives me 'His exceeding great and precious promises.'
It strikes me that these are admonitions I have heard for years, but it is the doing of them that makes all the difference.
During my desert times, false cults and false brethren would offer a way that seemed right, but would cast doubt upon the Word of God. Yet, I found victory by fully committing myself to God. Thank God I'm out of the penalty box and back in the game. "

Wow! What a story! There's so much in there I don't know where to start! What sticks out to you?