Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Over last night and tonight God has given me an insight. Until now I have never really thought about the connection between faith and surrendering. I am sure I could write a whole sermon on it but I want you to reflect upon this one for yourself and see what He says:

Faith is the surrendering of our future, including our goals, plans, and ambitions. To trust and hope for God's will and God's plan in these will transform feelings of despair and fear concerning our future to a feeling of peace.

Read it a few times, because I think there is a lot there. :)


Josh said...

Hey Josh, it's another Josh.. ha! Well
'The Mountain Path' - I gotta admit.. I love the blog name. It seems you have some real talent kid and you seem, at least through your writings, you're totally on fire for God!

The song you posted 'When He Was On The Cross, I Was On His Mind" - LOVES IT! They still sing this song in my home church - good stuff.

Anyways, I came across your blog by my blog actually. I viewed my profile, clicked on 'RiWM' book, that lead to the 'Hillsdale Baptist Church Youth' blog and that led me here... but yeah.

Prayers and keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...

that is absolutely beautiful and very thought provoking.