Monday, May 29, 2006

The Mind of God

This is a cool poem that I found on the breakaway magazine site. I wish that I'd wrote it because it's a lot like the way I think. It's very beautiful and also challenging. I pray that you will let it speak to your heart.

I sit here writing,
And I ask myself,
What is God thinking about?
It’s not a question one thinks about often,
But it’s something I want to know.
What is it that occupies our Creator’s mind?
What is it that fascinates Him so?
Who could it be that holds His attention?

I examine the Bible,
And I remember several of its stories,
And I’m fascinated to think
That it is us He thinks of most.
Why? Why does the God of the universe bother to think of us lowly men?
The answer?
Because we are His creation,
His handiwork.
He cares for us far more than any father could care for his children.
His concern is for our welfare.
His desire is for our souls.

He will not abandon those who choose Him.
Oh, but how few choose Him!
If only they could see His love,
If only they could know what awaits them.
I pray God uses me to get the message out
To try and impart wisdom into their hardened hearts.

As for right now, though,
In the midst of the night
When I am the only one yet to enter the land of slumber,
I shall begin a practice I hope to continue until I am dead:
To think about our Savior and our God
And to continually ask Him that burning question,
“What do You think about?”

Robert Montoya

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im loving it :) very much what i wonder also, not the part about what God thinks, though i probably should, but the part about how insignificant we are and yet He still cares for us, He is amazing im so glad we have found Him.