Saturday, June 24, 2006

Being Spirtually Disciplined

In my devotional time today I came across an awesome chunk of writing that really meant a lot to me. Over this past week I have fought so hard to keep a focus on God throughout my days without a quiet time at the beginning of my day. It’s very difficult to get up early before and after a 12 hour day of landscaping to just be with God. But I know that it’s something that I need to do. As Moses journeyed up the mountain path to enter the very presence of God in the book of Exodus, I need to press on no matter how rocky and difficult that path is. For, there is nothing greater than knowing Christ Jesus our Lord. This is the reason that Paul counted all things as loss. Jesus said that knowing Him is eternal life. Let’s encourage and pray for one another as we seek to have that quiet time alone with God every morning.

“I met God in the morning when the day was at its best

And His presence came like a sunrise, like a glory in my breast.

All day long His presence lingered, all day long He stayed with me

I sailed in perfect calmness o’er a troubled sea.

Other ships were blown and battered, other ships were sore distressed

But the winds that seemed to drive them, brought to me a perfect rest.

Then I thought of other mornings, with a keen remorse in mind

When I too had loosed the moorings with His presence left behind.

So I think I know the secret learned from many a troubled way

You must seek Him in the morning if you want Him through the day.”

- Author Unknown


Anonymous said...

Hey Josh:
You are so REAL man,I really appreciate what you have to say on your blog.I can see that you do understand what you are reading about in God's Word and what some of the Spiritual Giants of ages past have to say about their spiritual journey because you have a heart after God too. It is so evident Josh and also so refreshing to read where you are on your mountain path!!! and to think, you're not yet 18!!!! Wow.Keep on pressing on for His honour and His Glory. Thanks again Josh for taking the time, to share on this blog, when you are one busy guy!!!!

Anonymous said...

you are such a busy guy its true, but don't ever lose heart! i know you won't, you're such an encouragement to others by your conduct and through your words, in this blog especially. that is funny that you're not yet 18, i've always thought of you as my slightly older brother, but really you're my slightly younger brother. keep sharing your love for God in your everyday life and He will continue to open His hand and give you everything you need to fulfill His will.

kara dee. said...

thanx again josh...I needed that.