Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Thinking about God

Spend some time today simply thinking about God and who He is.

Sovereign Lord
The compassionate and gracious God
The eternal God
The consuming fire
The exalted God
The faithful God
The glorious Father
The Glory of Israel
The God who saves me
The God who sees me
The living Father
The Majestic Glory
The Majesty in heaven
The One who sustains me
The only God
The Potter
THe Rock in whom I take refuge
The Spring of living water
The strength of my heart
The true God
He who hears prayer
He who tests the heart and mind
He who keeps His covenant of love


Anonymous said...

Hi Josh:
Thanks again for taking the time to put worth while comments on your blog.It's a good thing we have
an eternity to praise God for Who He is. EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!! worthy of praise.

Anonymous said...

one that i particularly like is the ANCIENT OF DAYS
(Daniel 7:9)

Andrea said...

Wow, too often we underestimate God and all that He is capable of. The God of the universe, wow, He is truly amazing, and we do not deserve such an AWESOME SAVIOUR!