Sunday, August 06, 2006

“Float Her Basket Over the Sea”

This last week I’ve pretty much been listening to one song over and over again. It’s a song called “the orphan” by the Newsboys. It’s a beautiful song musically and lyrically, and this time…I can’t let you just get away with reading the lyrics. The song is full of beautiful imagery about Moses and Abraham that will bring a smile to your face. You can listen to the song by right clicking on the link below and selecting “open”.

The Orphan

And here are the lyrics so you can read as you listen:

maybe I push when I'm meant to be still

maybe I take it all to personal

Jesus, how to reconcile

the joyful noise

the ancient land

the tug from some invisible hand

the dying mother weaving bulrushes

along the Nile


float her basket over the sea

here on a barren shore

we'll be waiting for

a tailwind to carry her (an) orphan's cry

don't you worry, child

I wrote a lullaby

I try to settle, but I just pass through

a rain dog, gypsy

a wandering Jew

all those homes were not ours

then I slept one night

in Abraham's field

and dreamt there was no moon

the night he died

counting stars




building you a home

building you a home

building you a home

we're building you a home



float her basket over the sea

here on a barren shore

we'll be waiting for

a tailwind to bring us your sweet cry

don't you worry, child

I'm gonna sing you a lullaby

So at the beginning of the week I didn’t get the song at all. I figured out that the song was mostly about how Moses’ mom put him in a basket and floated him out into the Nile river, but other than that I really didn’t know what it was about. Especially, when it almost out of no where throws in Abraham. Now I could explain to you all of the awesome imagery about Moses and Abraham, but I am going to focus on the first line of the chorus since that is what really spoke to me this week.

As written in the book of Exodus, Pharaoh decides that the Jews are getting to be too numerous in the land of Egypt and so he decides to kill all of the baby boys. Among the baby boys was 3-month-year-old Moses. When Moses’ mother could no longer hide him from the Egyptians and certain death, she made a basket, placed him in it, and put it in the Nile river.

It was the song above that prompted me to really think about what Moses’ mother would have been thinking and feeling as she did this. She was probably full of anxiety as she hid Moses in her house for fear that the next knock on the door would be Egyptian soldiers come to search her house for the child. She must have loved Moses so dearly and the worst thing that could happen was for him to be killed by the Egyptians. She loved this child so much that she took a huge leap of faith to protect him. It was a sacrifice that was probably harder for her than any other, and that was… to give the child up to the Nile river. Can you imagine having to place your own child or a dearly loved one into a basket and float them out into the sea?

Where this song and this story really hit home for me, is how they apply to my life. I spent this last week thinking about the things and the people that are dear to me. Those things are sometimes things that take God’s place in my life when I’m not careful, be they blessings or not. And so the chorus of this song became a call to sweet surrender for me. “Float her basket over the sea…” Who or what do I love that I need to be willing to let go of? Who or what do I need to place in that basket in faith that I may never see them again? What a beautiful picture of surrender! To put those that I love and even myself in that surrendered position of all vulnerability, is the call I received from this song.

There are so many things that I felt drawn to place in that basket. Like my friends, family, relationships, time, strength, mind, heart, and everything! By doing so, I will be the orphan. It’s scary and challenging at the same time. Can I surrender all of this and trust that God will guide my basket boat safely to shore? Absolutely. God is a trustworthy and faithful God to the infinite degree. Though it seem like a daunting daily task, we are called to be living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God (Romans 12:1). Will you join with me and together “float her basket over the sea”?


Anonymous said...

"Wow, Joshua", You never disappoint me with what you have to share on your blog....Of all the blogs there are to read,yours is the BEST, you always have something really worth while to share.Your way with "WORDS" and how you express yourself in such a clear way,anyone can understand what you are saying and where you are coming from. You certainly have a gift in getting across to your readers your deepest thoughts.I think you should be a Pastor and teacher and author. I'd buy your books. Thank you so much for putting yourself "totally" into your blog. You encourage me to search the scriptures to find treasures like you do.

Anonymous said...

This is one of my favorite songs too. The message of true faith speaks loud and clear. I especially love the line about Abraham, "...I dreamt there was no moon the night he died, counting stars". He only had one son, but He died counting stars... dwelling on the promise of God. Selah indeed!

Thank you Josh for sharing your thoughts about the basket and the mother that put her precious bundle into it. In a few days I'll be doing the same thing... putting my precious son into the hands of God and letting Him carry his basket into the future. My heart and prayers will always be with you, my son. You couldn't be in better Hands.

15"Can a woman forget her nursing child and have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, but I will not forget you.
16"Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands;
Isa. 49:15,16

I love you Josh,

Anonymous said...

Wow Josh It seems that no matter what it is you say we all end up learning something from it.You encourage me so much with your words and I'm going to miss you when you leave to go to Bible school :(

Anonymous said...

This song is definately one that causes a person to pause and upon further listenings, try to relate. You did a wonderful job in finding your connection with this song, a connection I'm sure many of us can share. Though you will be missed as you leave in your basket across both calm and rocky waters, I personally look forward to see how God shapes and molds you.

Andrea said...

Wow, time and time again it amazes me how you can take what's in your heart and be able to share it with others with such powerful understanding. God has really gifted you Josh. I remember coming home from my trip and hearing "The Orphan" playing in your room. I always liked that song because it was such a beautiful song and the way the Newsboys played and sang sounded angelic. But I never really took the lyrics to heart until now. Being able to truly let go of those things that are dear to you and truly trust God that He'll take care of them and of you. Often I've taken the things that matter most and really given them to God and 'float them over the sea' but I sometimes struggle with leaving them there. Often I want to snatch those baskets and cling to them closely trying to hold on to the things that I love and care for. But Christ calls us to give everything to Him and not hold back. When we give our all to Christ and don't hold back it's then that He truly blesses us. And I thank you for challenging me to really go deeper and to 'float my basket over the sea' and leave it in God's hands because He knows best. Thank you for continuely blessing me through this blog and just by being you, never stop being the godly man that God made you to be! I love you very much and will miss you dearly as you leave to PRBI. Continue to shine for Him.
Lots of love,