Saturday, August 26, 2006

Maturity Modeled for the Mind

I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. (Phil 4:10-13)

I recently read through the book of Philippians and this chunk of Paul’s letter really stuck out to me. I love how it shows so clearly and in such simple and easy language what Paul’s attitude is. I realize that I need to learn, as Paul had learned, to be content whatever the circumstances. Just like Paul, I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty. Usually I am content when I have plenty, but lately I’ve been struggling with being content when I am in need. I can sure understand why Paul calls it a secret! Until now I’ve maybe thought that when I am need I should pray and my need will be met, just like that. But Paul is talking about being in need. God may have a plan for you where he leads you into a place of need. In the same way He lead the nation of Israel into a desperate place of need, trapped at the edge of the Red Sea with nowhere to go! They needed escape! They needed deliverance! And God took them there for the time He would take to meet their need. God could’ve made them wait until the Egyptian army was almost upon them to open the seas, or He could have opened them as soon as they got there. Maybe today you have a need in your life that you want to be able to say that you are content with “being in.” Maybe it’s something that will be met very soon and maybe God will choose to wait a long time to meet your need. And just maybe He’ll change your attitude to realize that you aren’t in need or that you felt you needed something that you really didn’t need. Whatever your situation is today, whatever our circumstances are, we need to learn that secret that Paul sought to share with the Philippians in his letter. How can we be content in need? How can we be content when we are hungry? How can we be content when we feel alone? How can we be content when we have a serious financial need? How can we be content when need to know what we are supposed to do in a certain situation or what path to choose in a road ahead of us?

I’m glad Paul decided to share the secret with us : ) . Otherwise I’d be saying, “This is not fun. This is not fun.” So what’s the big secret Paul? I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Hmm…let’s unpack that. By itself it’s a very nice thought, but without the context you could miss so much! Paul is saying whatever the situation, for whatever reason, for however long it lasts, you can be content! Because, you can do everything through Jesus Christ who gives you strength! Yes! You can be content when you are in need and when you have plenty, when you are hungry and when you are well fed, when you are alone and when you are in fellowship, when you are in serious need of money and the time is running out for it to be paid, when you don’t know what to do in that certain situation or when you don’t know which path to choose in that road ahead of you. Yes, you can be content through all of this, you can do neediness, through Jesus Christ who gives you strength.

What an awesome encouragement! Paul points us straight to the Lord for everything and anything that may have to go through. This week, I’ve got my share of needs, some of which will be met and others of which I will have to continue to live in. This week, you will have your needs some of which will be met and others of which I will have to continue to live in. We’ve got to strive to remember that we can be in those needs and do all the things that God has called us to do, through the strength that He gives us! We must draw near to God to find that strength! We must let Christ in us be the strength and energy that we need to serve our God and bring glory to Jesus. Join with me this week in seeking after the mind of Christ!


Sharilyn said...

Thanks for making that post, Josh!
The Philippians passage was just what I needed to read! One thing that particularly stuck out to me was when you mentioned that we should "unpack" that sentence of Paul's . . . that simple sentence that seems so easy to recite, especially when things are going smoothly. But to be content in ALL circumstances is different. "Yes, you can be content through all of this, you can do neediness, through
Jesus Christ who gives you strength." The way in which you stated that really spoke to me.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Josh for taking the time to explain the scriptures and what you got from Pauls letter to the church.There's no doubt about it, you have a gift when it comes to sharing God's Word.Also it is always timely, for me anyway,I'm going to miss you so very much that I can't bear to think about it. However, I know in my heart that the Lord has guided your steps to go to Bible College. He is doing a wonderful work in you and He uses you to bless me over and over again. I will look forward to your posts from College as you grow in the Lord and the things He will teach you there. Again, thank you Josh, for sharing yourself and teaching others as you climb your mountain path. Blessings as you go. Your #1 fan.

Ross said...

Nice Post Josh. I really like having you in my life because it always seems that you are digging into a different area of scripure than what i'm reading. Right now I'm alternating between some Old Testament and The Gospel of Matthew. And it's so nice that you can share with me Pauls writings.It's refreshing and it's awesome Josh, Thanks.

Anonymous said...

How true! To be IN need and still content is so contrary to everything the world believes and strives for. I was so blessed to read this, and challenged. I CAN do all things through Him who gives me strength... because the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.