Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Surrendering The Mind

This week while reading from Oswald Chamber’s "My Utmost For His Highest" I was really challenged by the attitude that he had in pursuing God. His attitude is almost a mirror of Paul’s in his letter to the Philippians. Chambers says, "Shut out every other thought and keep yourself before God in this one thing only – my utmost for His highest. I am determined to be absolutely and entirely for Him and Him alone." What an amazing heart!!! That’s hard to do and hard to even want to do! Paul affirms this as his mindset in his second letter to the Corinthians saying, "…we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Co 10:5) Can you image checking yourself on every thought?! Talk about loving God with all your mind! (Matt 22:37) This means rejecting all thoughts of anxiety, worry, and doubt that seek to make a home in our mind. It means casting off every inclination to dwell on people and things outside of a God-focused frame of mind. Maybe this is what Paul was referring to when he said "pray continually." (1 Th 5:17) I can’t think of a greater surrender than this! This must be why Oswald Chambers refers to it as "my utmost". This is a great sacrifice on our part but it’s the only acceptable sacrifice when we consider Christ’s sacrifice for us. We owe Him all of our minds! This, that God may be the Highest and glorified beyond all measure in our lives. Though no one can see our thoughts or know what we’re thinking, God sees every thought, and He wants to dwell in our minds. Only God will know of the glory we bring to Him by the secret and hidden places of our thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Wow Joshua!!! What an awesome post, and a wonderful first post from Bible College. I have checked every day since that painful (for me)goodbye on Sunday morning.I usually read "My utmost for His Highest" also, and that is the best explanation of his title to his devotional that I have ever read.Our mind will always be stayed on Him when we "take every thought captive" and that is so difficult for us to do in our own strength.However "we can do ALL things IN and THROUGH Christ whose mind is stayed on Thee" there's that mind is stayed on Thee again. After all, it's ALL about HIM not about us. Oh what a Saviour.......Have a great day Josh, you sure started it off well, We pray for you continually.Thank you for posting as quickly as you did, since you've only been there 3 days.

Anonymous said...

It was good to be reminded that we must love the Lord with all our minds... not just heart and soul. Thanks Josh!

Anonymous said...

Hey Josh, everytime I read your blog there is something new there for me to learn in what you have to say and I just wanted you to know that I love you and pray for you every day! Other than that school is going ok for me, and guess what. I made the vollyball team! Not only have I learned alot from it but I'm also really tired from it :) Well I got to go and do the garbages! I miss you TONS!!
Love: your little sister Jen

Ross said...

Josh man! Awesome stuff. I like your posts alot. Always in tune with God's song.

Sharilyn said...

Wow, that was just what I needed to read! Thanks, Josh, for taking the time to continue typing what God's teaching you. I am continuing to learn so much through all you have to say. Thanks again!