Monday, October 30, 2006

Spiritual Emphasis Week

Hello Everyone!
The last couple weeks I haven't had a chance to post because I 've been really busy with assignments. I had a paper due everyday last week and a midterm exam and this weekend we had a mission conference at the school. This is my last week of school before reading break. I thought it would be neat to have a Spiritual Emphasis Week next week! Everyday next week I will be posting something including things that I have learned from my classes and even some interactive things to get some good discussion going. So mark it on your calendar! I hope it's a good chance for us to grow together as believers.


Ross said...

hooray! Josh during your week off we must plan phone dates! haha. Spiritual emphasis week sounds awesome!

Anonymous said...

Hi Josh: Great to see your post again,and I'm sure looking forward to next week to see what you have to share on your blog. Thanks for all your postings that make me go and search the scriptures. The Lord is using you in a mighty way.I pray this week will be a super one,one that prepares you for all the treasures that God is going to show you next week as you do all that reading.Keep Looking Up and ministering in those areas that God has called you to by being an encourager and sharer. God Bless you Josh

Anonymous said...

Awesome I'll be looking forward to it! (Nov. 10th is my b-day!)