Saturday, January 27, 2007

Living in God’s Gift of Peace

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27)

Imagine what the disciples would have been feeling, knowing that Jesus would soon leave them. They were about to experience, probably, the three most difficult days of their lives. Jesus, aware of what is going to happen in the near future, comforts the disciples, telling them of the place He is going to prepare for them (14:2), which is indicative of His return, and promises them the Holy Spirit. Lastly, He gives them His peace. Through the work of the Holy Spirit (26), Jesus gives the disciples a true and real peace. He says, “…my peace I give you” (27).

Now the peace of Jesus isn’t any ordinary peace. It is not like the peace that the world offers. For Jesus says, “I do not give to you as the world gives” (27). The world offers peace in the form of security. The world tries to sell peace of mind and heart to us. Insurance, great wealth, material possessions that will make you content, and the latest gadget that will secure your worldly fortune are just some of the many things that world offers to give us peace. The true peace of heart and mind, however, comes only from God. He is the source. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Apart from Him, you will never experience the inner rest and tranquility and serenity of genuine peace.

What an awesome gift for the disciples to receive that day! That same peace that Jesus gave to the disciples, He gives to us today. He wants us to have peace, and He has given it to us. We have the same Holy Spirit that the disciples received, and God’s Word is quite clear, expressing God’s desire for all of His children to have God’s peace in their lives. In most of Paul’s letters he is wishing the church peace. For example, Paul writes, “[m]ay the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope with the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13). Not only does Paul want believers to have God’s peace, God wants us to have His peace.

I think the reason why believers don’t have God’s peace today is because they don’t accept it. As believers we can’t have God’s peace when we are living in sin and disobedience. How can we be assured of God’s faithfulness when we are ignorant to the countless examples in His Word? Sometimes we even trade the peace of God for the pressure of the problem itself. I can recall many times where I’ve focused intently on a problem in my life, and rejected the peace that God had freely given me had I focused intently on Him instead.

How do we accept God’s gift of peace into our lives in any circumstance? Good question. The following is not merely a quick-fix formula to having God’s peace in our lives. It is a series of steps that can be taken to accept God’s peace that have been proven to work time and time again in my life and in many other people’s lives. Learn to apply these principles and truths of Scripture and you will have God’s peace in your life. I guarantee it as sure as God’s Word is the true and inspired Word of God.

1. A prerequisite to experiencing God’s peace in your life is to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Apart from this relationship, you cannot experience the peace of God that transcends all understanding.

2. In the time of trouble, immediately, turn your focus to God and say “Father…” As soon as you begin to focus intently on your problem rather than God, you have made your problem bigger than God in your mind. This is idolatry. Train yourself to immediately turn your eyes upon Jesus in the time of trouble. He is the source of peace. No amount of time spent working through the problem in your mind and considering the countless possibilities will afford you the peace of God. Focus on God and not the problem. “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast…” (Isaiah 26:3).

3. Trust Him; Exercise your faith in Him. Faith/Trust is a choice not a feeling. To experience God’s peace throughout each day you must trust in Him and walk through each day in faith.

4. Turn to the Word of God. God’s Word is full of His promises and examples of His faithfulness. David has said, “Great peace have they who love Your law, and nothing can make them stumble” (Psalm 119:165). Cling to God’s words. They are comfort, assurance, and peace of mind and heart.

5. Submit to God; come to obedience of Him. The wisdom of the proverbs says: “My son, do not forget my teaching, But let your heart keep my commandments; For length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you” (Proverbs 3:1-2 NASB). Obedience and submission to God will bring God’s peace into your life.

6. Prayer and Thanksgiving. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7). Of course all of the steps above are woven through prayer, but let us not forget Paul’s exhortation to thank God in times where we would be anxious. Begin to thank Him and praise Him for the peace that He is giving you and will give you right away. Thank God for the circumstances that He has put you in through which you can lean on God and experience His peace and His power in your life.

Comments: I would greatly appreciate your comments. Many times your comments help other readers in ways that you least expect. For this post: Comment on your own experience of God’s peace or lack thereof in your life. Also, can you identify with the step to accepting God’s peace? Do recognize times in your life where you had to do some or all of them, and God’s peace flooded into your heart and mind?


Anonymous said...

Josh, This post has come at a very good time for me. Thank you for your help, even though it was slightly unintentional.


Anonymous said...

“[m]ay the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope with the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13] ... This was a wonderful prayer that Paul prayed for his fellow believers. I think I fall down on the trusting part quite often. I've often tried to work the problem through in my mind, and through conversations with others. But in an attempt to solve it and have peace, I usually just reherse it and don't have peace. Pray that I'll be filled with His peace AS I TRUST in Him and chose to dwell on His promises.

Thanks Josh!

Anonymous said...

I remember not so long ago when my circumstances changed and I had no peace. Instead I had deep anxiety and despair. Almost no one seemed to be able to relate, some gave painful pat answers like Job's friends. I went over things in my mind trying to come up with a solution but, things were out of my control. I gave the situation to God and asked others to pray. I began to focus on the fact that God is so much bigger than my situation. The dark cloud began to lift and I was able to sleep again and God's peace was very real. Nothing else could come remotely close to the peace that God gave me in this situation. I can't help but love Him.

Anonymous said...

Josh I agree so much with you these past couple months i have been struggling in my relationship with God and dissobeying him but I got help and I realized that its true God is for us not against us and he hates to see us fall from him his second chances are always there for us. He puts people and stuff in out lives to show that wee need to change and turn back to him. I can not imagine how the disiples would have acted when the found out that Jesus was leaving them. I know that I would have been broken knowing that he would not be there to talkk and show me the way to go buit when i think about it now I have a relationship wiht God and I can share with him like I would if he was here in person. I just can't wait until Jesus comes back to save us.

Miss you Josh...(check out my blog I updated it so yeah)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Josh! I've used this for my morning's devotional. I so-o-o need the peace of God in my life when things are hectic. This is refreshing! :o)

Anonymous said...

The level of peace a christian experiences on a reg daily basis... is an accurate measurement of that individual's faith.

Some come by it after seeing the Lord bring them through trials & tribulation. Others recieve God's promises & take Him at His word.

If we stress & fret over literally anything, we reject God's fundamental promises. If God is for us who can be against us?

All the Best Josh!

Uncle Todd