Thursday, November 09, 2006

Day 4: Prayer and Thanksgiving

In my daily devotions I’ve been reading through the Intouch magazine for this month which is centered on thanksgiving. Through my reading I discovered a new level to the power of prayer and more specifically thanksgiving. I was really impressed by some of the many blessings that Charles Stanley suggests are results of thanksgiving. Let me briefly summarize them for you:

1. Praise and thanksgiving readjust our focus: When we praise and thank God we are remembering that life centers around Him and not the world we live in.
2. Thanking God reminds us of our dependence upon Him: Thanking God reminds of the many blessings that we enjoy only because of God’s goodness. In Him we live and move and have our being.
3. Offering praise causes release from anxiety: Thanksgiving in prayer is our access to peace in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7).
4. Expressing gratitude refreshes our relationship with the Lord: Almost like catching up with an old friend, we deepen our intimacy with God when we warmly connect with Him in thanksgiving.
5. Thanksgiving refines our spiritual perception: “As we tell the Lord of our appreciation we will gain deeper insight into who He is, what He is like, and the way He thinks.”
6. Gratitude reinforces our faith: When we see how God has answered our prayers, met our needs, protected us, and worked in our lives, we see His character of goodness, love, and mercy which reinforces our faith.
7. Praising God rejoices our spirit: Thanking God brings us joy, deep joy which can alleviate anxiety, impatience, and restlessness.

This week I have focused a lot on thanking and praising God in everything. What a difference it has made! My personal time with God comes alive as I thank Him for the riches and blessings that He has lavished upon me. One of the chief attitudes of my past is this: I would look at my life and always be asking what was wrong in my life and what needed improvement. I would get so caught up in always looking for the weaknesses in my life that I would become self-focused rather than God-focused. Over the past month I have been learning that when I thank God for what He has done for me, and who He is I have so much more joy and have been able to abide in Him and not myself.
There are so many wonderful applications to this too! In fact, I won’t even list them. Instead, I would like you to post one specific way that you can cultivate a healthy attitude of thanksgiving toward God. I’ll share an example from my own time here at Bible College.
In Gospel of John class, we were reading through John chapter 9 where the blind man receives sight. When Jesus reveals His true identity to the man who can now see, the blind man bows down and worships Jesus saying, “I believe.” I was personally challenged to remember what God has done for me. The blind man praised Jesus deeply because of the sight that Jesus gave him. How much greater is the gift of salvation that Jesus has given me! I felt that I had lost that attitude of worship. I had fallen into the trap of basing my joy on the temporary blessings that He was giving me. When those things disappear or when I forget about them, then the joy that they brought also fades. To remind myself to worship Jesus for the eternal gift that He has given me, I printed off a piece of paper that said “Redeemed” in big letters on it and hung it on my wall. Every time I look at it, I thank God and I am reminded of what my greatest source of joy is.
What will you do to develop the practice of thanksgiving to God?

Since this post is focused on prayer and thanksgiving, I thought it would be a wonderful chance to simply pray for each other. Look back to the people that shared a need on Day 2, and write a prayer for one of them that God would meet that need. Let the glory of the Lord rise among us through prayer and thanksgiving.


Joshua said...

Dear Father,
Thank you for Anonymous' comment on Day 2. Thank you for the experiences that you have built into A's life when it comes to discovering you as the One who meets our needs. Thank you for the people that you have used to meet needs in A's life and the times when you have drawn A closer to you through others' inability to meet A's needs. Lord, you know this person's needs better than anyone and even better than A does. I ask that you would work powerfully in A's life, meeting A's needs and granting A wisdom in relationship to Your Body, Jesus. I ask that you would bring the Body of Christ alongside A in ministering to one another. I also ask that you would bring a godly person into fellowship with A to be a mentor and discipler and to minister to A's need to grow in relationship with You and relationship with others. I ask all off this in your name Jesus and for your glory. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for praying for me Josh. It's just what I needed today. And thankyou for sharing about praise and thanksgiving. I've been thinking about my motives today and was feeling discouraged with how truly selfish they are most of the time. I asked the Lord to change my motives and to set me free of all my fears. At that moment, I'll admit, I had a twinge of doubt. I think I was in a spiritual battle because the verse came to mind, "If the Son sets you free you will be free indeed". And then I was reminded of how I've walked with the Lord for so many years and still live in bondage to fear. "What if He doesn't chose to free you", a little voice in my head asked. "But that's His desire", my own heart said. "But look how long it's been since you trusted Christ and you're still so selfish and fearful. Haven't you asked for this before? What's taking Him so long? Why isn't He freeing you. Maybe you're not even a true Christian." When that thought entered, I knew who was talking and began meditating on Ephesians 1 again. Then the thought came to me, "What if He DID free you and you became proud of how He'd changed you." --Satan likes to twist things up doesn't he? At that point I just asked the Lord to work His change in me regardless, and help me be so focused on Him that I don't even notice. Well, today's blog about praise and thanksgiving was just what I needed to hear. I have to just focus on HIM... and forget about me. That's the answer to my prayer!

Father, reveal Yourself to those who read this blog and are seeking You today. Draw their attention away from the things of this world and help them set their minds on the things that are above, where Christ is seated... into Your very presence.

To the Praise of Your Glory,

Sean Carter said...

Its thanksgiving and there is fun and frolic all over but in all these merrymaking let us not forget the real purpose of the occasion. Lets all kneel and thank God for all that He has showered on us and for this beautiful life that he has graced us with. I'd also like to ask you to visit my Thanksgiving Blog sometime and share the spirit and joy of Thanksgiving.

Joshua said...

Dear Jesus,
Both Ross and Jonathan have shared a need that only you can meet. Both of them struggle with the subtle form of pride known as perfectionism. THere is only one standard of perfection that you have called us to, and that is holiness. Jesus, you have made holiness possible for us through your death and resurrection on the cross, and by the power of your Holy Spirit. I ask that you would guide Ross and Jonathan to attitude that they ought to have towards the things they do. Help them to pursue excellence in every walk of life only to Your glory. I ask that you would bring those of the Body of Christ who have overcome perfectionism alongside Ross and Jonathan, that they would be able to learn and grow as a result. Father, we know that in all things, even over perfectionism, Ross and Jonathan are more than conquerors. Instruct them and teach them in the way they should, counsel them and watch over them, according to your word (Ps. 32:8). Bring all the glory to Yourself through the meeting of these needs. In your precious name, Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Ross said...

Amen, Josh on this wonderful post about prayer and thanksgiving! Thanks for this great week of spiritual emphesis! You definately put some time and effort into this. Your heart shows! God bless you.