Friday, November 10, 2006

Day 5: Smart vs. Stupid

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house, and it fell with a great crash” (Mt. 7:24-27).

I’d like to describe what I will call “the stupid syndrome”. Sunday morning I wake up and go to church. After some singing the pastor delivers a powerful sermon. I feel convicted and challenged by it sensing that I have grown as a result of hearing a word from God. I come away from church with joy that the Lord has spoken to me over the course of the morning. I then find something to do (usually with people) to enjoy my day off. After playing a game or two, maybe watching a movie, eating a meal with someone, and maybe a phone call, the day is over and I go to bed. The week goes by and it’s Sunday again. I flip open my journal to take notes and notice my notes from last Sunday. I remember how I’d felt challenged and convicted, and I realize that I’ve done nothing with that conviction. This is “the stupid syndrome”.
I’m sure that all of you can identify with this situation. We have opportunities to hear from God all of the time. In our personal devotions (if you do them), in small groups (if you’re in one), in the Sunday morning service, in Sunday school and in many other things that we do in our life, we have the opportunity to hear from God. Person A doesn’t take the opportunities to hear from God and Person B does take the opportunities. Yet both of them are the same person from week to week, with little spiritual growth, and little reason to rejoice.
What’s missing? Take a look at Person C. Person C goes to church on Sunday morning and opens up the bulletin. “Oh”, he says, “the pastor is preaching on the parable of the sower and the seeds.” Though he has heard countless sermons on this passage he listens intently for the voice of God because he knows that God can speak through even the most familiar of passages. The pastor preaches with ordinary words just as every other Sunday, yet the Holy Spirit brings conviction to Person C about how seldom he shares his faith with those who ask about it at work. The service ends and Person C goes out for lunch with some friends. While eating at their favorite restaurant, one of his friends invites him to get together after the meal. Person C politely responds, “Well, I have plans until 3:00, but after 3:00 I’d love to get together.” Person C leaves the restaurant after a lovely meal and goes home. In the quiet of his bedroom, he opens up his journal to the sermon notes and his Bible to the passage that so powerfully spoke to him during the service. Person C spends the next hour communing with God, meditating on the scripture, and talking to God about his conviction to be a better witness in the work place. By the end of his time, Person C writes on the page of his journal, and the page of his day timer, “share testimony with Steven over lunch break.” The next day at work Person C warmly greets Steven before the day’s work begins. “Would you like to go for lunch?” Person C asks.
What’s the difference between Person A & B, and Person C? The difference is smart vs. stupid.
Jesus says, “everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” Person C is the wise man. After hearing God’s word through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Person C takes time to meditate on the words of God and consult God regarding their significance. Person C is not content merely listening to the word. He wants to do it! Person C spent time with God seeking an application. How could he be so foolish as to ignore or forget about the conviction that the Holy Spirit brought to him during the sermon? As Person C searches for a way to put God’s words into practice, the Lord reveals a real and tangible way for him to do it. The next day Person C goes as far as welcoming an opportunity to obey God, by asking Steven to go for lunch with him.
Jesus also said, “everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.” Person B sits through the same message as person C and feels the same conviction. However, Person B shrugs off all opportunity to act upon the challenge he receives. He goes home and watches TV for the rest of the day and forgets about everything he heard. Person B missed an opportunity to learn and grow according to God’s will. By God’s grace, he won’t miss the next opportunity.

1. Can you recall a time when you decided that a sermon or Sunday school lesson was already old news – that you’d heard it before, and didn’t bother to really listen for God’s voice? How about a study that you felt you could have taught yourself because of how well you are doing in that particular area? Have you been Person A?
2. Can you recall a time when you felt God spoke to you through a message, devotional, or lesson, yet you ended up forgetting about it soon after? Have you ever felt convicted or challenged to pursue something as a result of a sermon or bible study, and forgotten about it over the course of the week? Have you been Person B?
3. Can you recall a time where God spoke to you, regarding some area in your life, which you took seriously and searched for a way to put it into practice, and finally acted upon what you heard? Has the way you live ever visibly changed as a result of conviction or challenge by the Holy Spirit? Have you ever been person C?

Do you want to grow spiritually and become mature in your faith? Do you want to know Jesus in a more intimate way? Do you want to be used by God to bring glory to His name? Do you want to have a living and dynamic love relationship with God, pleasing Him in each step, through obedience?

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says” (Js. 1:22).


davidh said...

Man that was really good Josh. For some reason whenever I am reading an article or a book the thing that I always pay the most attention to and remember are the stories. Points often come and go but stories are so powerful. So thanks for turning that into an intense story. Yeah, so often I get convicted and think I am never going to be the same and then maybe even for a few days the conviction stays with me but If I don't make any goals or serious steps to change things just go right back to normal. Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Josh, What a wonderful feast you served up for us this past week.You lived up to your promise of posting every day and it was way beyond anything I was expecting.....You have an awesome relationship with your heavenly Father, that's probably why you can be so open and honest about yourself because you are soooo secure "In Him". I can also see that it's more important to you that you please Him and not men.Wow!!! that we would all be like that,caring more what God thinks about us than what the world thinks... You have been used by the Lord to encourage me to keep pressing on,keeping my eye on the goal, of bringing Glory to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, after all, that's why He created me, to bring Him Glory, and HE DOES IT ALL, thru me. It's not about me, it's ALL ABOUT HIM. Praise His Holy Name !!!!!

Ross said...

Yeah Aman againg brotha J! when I go to church tomorrow i'm gonna take some serious notes and then do my best to live out what i've learned. Thanks for the inspiration. Love ya' bud.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Josh! I've been having struggles with one of the kids in my Sunday School class who knows 'everything', but has some behavior issues. Our next lesson is about wisdom vs. knowledge based on the account of Solomon and his prayer. This day's blog was a powerful reminder that knowledge is not enough. In fact, having it can be deceiving since we feel like we're more spiritual just for knowing what we know. Thanks again for the challenge of putting in practise what we know. Please pray for me as I try to model and teach that concept to my Sunday School class. Pray for 'Nick' too... who knows so much, but needs wisdom so badly!

God bless!

Sharilyn said...

Thank you so much Josh for taking the time to type over the week. It's been really cool to see how you continue to grow closer to Him as you walk on this mountain path. And you've definitely been teaching me A LOT, too. I can relate with you; sadly I can sometimes be person A. But recently I've been feeling like I need a deeper relationship with Him, and it is very encouraging to know that others are on this trek with us. I found it very interesting too how you mentioned bringing glory to His name. Those of us in Briercrest just heard all about that in Chapel. I love it when God speaks to us through various experiences, and my prayer is that we don't just listen to Him, but we respond. Thanks again for blessing me through your blog, Josh! Keep going hard for God!