Saturday, December 09, 2006

Journal Entry: December 5th, 2006

Today in discipleship I was really challenged about my attitude towards Christmas. I had wanted it to be special, especially for me. God spoke to me very clearly through His Word.

"Love is...not self-seeking..." (1 Cor. 13:5).

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus" (Phil. 2:3-5).

Two thousand years ago on Christmas day, Jesus did not have a warm and fuzzy, wonderful and special celebration. Jesus was born in a stinky dark cave and lay in a feeding tough. God was restricted and confined to the body of a baby, helpless, weak, and quite limited. But Jesus did not come to have a "good" Christmas. He came to serve us and show the full extent of His love to us.

What should my attitude be this Christmas?

Selfless love and service of others. I want to identify with Jesus on Christmas day. I want to make others' celebrations special this year with a gift of love.

Father in heaven, use me to pour out your love on people this Christmas. Show me what Christmas was like for you.


Anonymous said...

Joshua, Joshua, What can say to adequately describe how much I'm in awe of you.!!!These last few postings have just blown me away.!! When I consider your age, and the few years in comparison to mine, that you have been living the Christian life, it is absolutely marvellous how much you have grown in the Lord.I'm sitting here just weeping at the thought of you and God's awesome goodness. Wow!!!Josh we just can't wait to see you next weekend, oh boy!! does that ever sound good,we will SEE YOU next weekend. Thank you, thank you,for sharing from your journal what God has been showing you. May your Christmas this year be the best one yet, and I'm sure it will be because you have it all's all about Jesus!!!!! How I praise Him for you.

Ross said...

Godd Stuff, I think I understand why someone thoguht of the idea of christmas gifts.. besides the frankensence and stuff.. Oh and Josh, I call hanging out with you sometime soon! :)