Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Majestic God

Anxiety chewed away at my mind as I lay in bed, only half asleep. I awoke to the sound of a muffled crash. What was that??? I looked at my clock. The bright green numbers shone faithfully telling me it was 9:27AM. Must have been thunder, I thought. I listened closely in the dark silence of my basement for the pitter patter of raindrops against the roof. Yup, it was raining. There must be a thunderstorm outside, I thought.

I jumped out of bed, dressed, and ran up the stairs. Walking out on to my drive way in bare feet, I could feel the rain slowly and steadily falling on me. As I watched the sky, the dark gray clouds flashed again and again; the low rumble of thunder echoed slowly behind.

All of a sudden a glorious fork of lighting split across the sky right above me. Shortly after a loud gunshot of thunder ripped the heavens open in reply. I listened and watched in awe of the majesty of our God. Who is like Him?

Shortly after the storm faded away, but the loud peal of thunder still resonates in my memory, declaring God's majesty. The lighting still flashes in my mind declaring His glory. It was a beautiful start to my Saturday morning.

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